God’s faithfulness, blended family, and an 8th grade dance

Our pastor preached from Joshua 24 this week where Joshua recounted Israel’s history and God’s faithfulness, and called them to choose who they would serve. So I took the occasion to reflect on the seasons of my life, and to purposefully look for and note God’s faithfulness. 

One recent example. 

That sermon came 2 days after Braelyn’s 8th grade dance—her first semi-formal. She had the dress, I took her to get her nails done Thursday, and she was with her mom to get her hair done and get ready on Friday. 

Brittany and I have had different priorities and perspectives, but I don’t think we have ever had bad blood, and I think generally we respect and appreciate one another and agree on one thing: the children. And not just Braelyn. We have formed some unlikely and candidly, strange new version of extended family. 

A few examples through the years: 

ALL the parents, outnumbering our kids

Extended family at B’s 2nd grade PTO night

Do you see where I am going with God's faithfulness to my family? Well this particular example happened after Braelyn's hair appointment. The stylist didn't know Braelyn's hair (but I do), and didn't capture her vision (but I knew it). Lucky for me, Brittany is not handy with a curling iron, and lucky for Brittany, I am! So Brittany and Braelyn sat in my bathroom while I zhuzhed up Braelyn's style. Can you imagine a more satisfied step-mom than one who got to come to the rescue, and see Braelyn before the dance anyway? (No need to feel sorry for Joe - he got to chaperone the dance!)

I have faced challenge and trauma in my life. Full stop. But when I look for God, He is there. Not just present, but with me and for me at each step (although I can only answer the question "what was he thinking?!?" when I get to heaven). I don't always appreciate it. But he is faithful. Rarely doing what I want. 

But from 2 broken families, one blended one, and in something as menial as a curling iron, faithfulness. 


I am glad for the current example of God's faithfulness, because it is so easy to forget. Why is it easier to remember the bad things than the good? I literally sat down yesterday and forced myself to make a list of times I've perceived God's faithfulness at different epochs in my life (whether I would have noticed or counted it at the time or not), and of happy (rather than scared or self-conscious) childhood memories. What is an example of God's faithfulness, or a happy memory that would be at the top of your list?


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