
Showing posts from May, 2024

Market Day

We wrapped up our last fundraiser today with Market Day for Missions alongside several other families, and it was a beautiful day! Something I didn’t expect going into it was the sense of community I felt across the parking lot. Contrary to popular impression, I am actually an introvert at heart, so despite being quite “social,” I don’t always connect the most easily. (In fact, I have begun asking God for a friend, who lives in my area (my lifelong besties are all out of town), who shares some of the same life stages or interests as me.) But today was just a very sweet,fun, comfortable supportive time with other families interested in missions, and willing to put in the effort to send their families, and show up for each other for a community yard sale.  We are still trusting God for the rest of our financing, but we are over 90% of the way there! I am tremendously proud of the work and generous attitudes our girls have put in to contribute to our fundraising, and I am so grateful to t

God’s faithfulness, blended family, and an 8th grade dance

Our pastor preached from Joshua 24 this week where Joshua recounted Israel’s history and God’s faithfulness, and called them to choose who they would serve. So I took the occasion to reflect on the seasons of my life, and to purposefully look for and note God’s faithfulness.  One recent example.  That sermon came 2 days after Braelyn’s 8th grade dance—her first semi-formal. She had the dress, I took her to get her nails done Thursday, and she was with her mom to get her hair done and get ready on Friday.  Brittany and I have had different priorities and perspectives, but I don’t think we have ever had bad blood, and I think generally we respect and appreciate one another and agree on one thing: the children. And not just Braelyn. We have formed some unlikely and candidly, strange  new version of extended family.  A few examples through the years:  ALL the parents, outnumbering our kids Extended family at B’s 2nd grade PTO night Do you see where I am going with God's faithfulness to

Victory in death and life

Faith is believing in things unseen, but not in a foolish or unintelligent way. We don’t see the wind, but we believe in it intelligently because of the evidence. I le arned a new word recently: HISTORICITY. “ Historicity  is the historical actuality of persons and events, meaning the quality of being part of  history  instead of being a historical  myth ,  legend , or  fiction . The historicity of a claim about the past is its factual status. Historicity denotes historical actuality, authenticity, factuality and focuses on the true value of knowledge claims about the past .” (From Wikipedia--I know, I know... BUT!) Credible, logical, modern examinations confirm the historicity of the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ.  Death Accounts of experts on ancient Rome confirm that no Roman guard would have allowed anyone to escape from crucifixion alive. Modern medicine confirms cause of death of crucifixion would exhibit itself by a flow of blood and water as recorded when