Projects and preparation

 We have been busy the last several weeks! Our family was blessed to build a deck for my parents to raise funds for our trip, and we were lucky to have some beautiful weather. We have projects lined up to fund about 75% of our trip (that’s only 3 out of 4 family members!), so we are still praying for partners for about $2500.

We have also been preparing our hearts and minds for service. Two Bible verses we are memorizing are 1 Peter 3:15-“in your hearts set apart Christ as Lord. Always be prepared to give an answer to everyone who asks you to give the reason for the hope that you have. But do this with gentleness and respect.” And John 10:30-“I and the Father are one” (Jesus’ important claim to deity, and the important concept that there is one God and God is one).

I have also been enthralled by Lee Strobel’s “The Case for Christ” book, where he uses his legal and journalistic skills to examine leading experts from the fields of history, medicine, science, and philosophy about what the evidence actually points to. I highly recommend it for content, and it’s a really enjoyable read as well! ***More to come on that, and on reflecting on the resurrection. 

How has your family been getting time in the beautiful Spring weather? Has the pollen been bothering you? I have a layer of yellow on my car and in my lungs! 


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