What we believe

One thing our family all agrees on is that we are not perfect; we all need a savior!

The easiest way for me to understand it is that sin causes separation. I think about that with my family. When we are in a fight, when there has been disobedience, or even when we're not on the same page, it causes separation. Something needs to happen for us to have restoration. Sometimes an apology or explanation is enough, sometimes it isn't!

It's the same relationship dynamic with God, only more so because He actually is perfect! As already noted, I am not. In fact, none of us are. (Romans 3:10 quotes an ancient passage from Psalm 14--"None are perfect, no not one.")

What does perfection look like in your conceptualization? Perfectly upright. Perfectly honest. Perfectly creative. Perfectly sovereign. Perfectly loving. Perfectly fair. Can a God who is truly worthy coexist with not just impurity, but mean-spirited impurity? (Not being dramatic, just being honest. I can be mean.) 

When we realize how far we are from perfect--even from perfect intentions--the weight here kicks in. This is an ouch. First John 1:8 confirms it: "if we claim we have no sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us." The ancient prophet Isaiah observed "All of us have become unclean, and all our righteous acts are like filthy rags." How can I coexist with beautiful, creative, active, loving God when my filth would compromise his integrity and his identity? Would he remain God if he allowed riffraff? 

Ugh. The predicament: I cannot undo what I have done, and I can not do enough to make up for it. I need someone outside myself to help me. Clearly I need a savior. 

Enter Jesus!

One of my favorite Bible passages is Romans 5:8--"while we were still sinners, Christ died for us." And 1 John 2:1-2: "if anyone does sin (yup, that's in there for me), we have an advocate with the Father--Jesus Christ the righteous; and he himself is the propitiation (appeasement) for our sins; not for ours only, but for those of the whole world." I know I am not perfect. I know I mess up. Therefore I know I sin, against people and against God. 

And as loving and awesome as God is, if he just looked the other way, his very own act of forgiveness would contradict his justice. ("The wages (earnings) of sin is death..." Romans 6:23a.)


One of the most widely known Bible verses is John 3:16–“For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life.” While I was still stuck in my sin, someone righteous, a loving advocate, paid my price (appeasement) with his own life and righteousness. Jesus' perfect life and loving sacrificial death was God's perfect, clever way to provide payment and restoration, a way for us to have a relationship. ("...the GIFT of God comes through Jesus Christ," Romans 6:23b.) 

God is so smart. Nothing can stop Him. He is so good. Loving and forgiving AND just!

I believe every bit of this, and it makes sense to me. This is what our entire family believes. And it changes everything. We can approach a relationship with God, because of Jesus!

This message is sometimes called the “good news”, and it is good news for me! And good news is worth sharing, don’t you think? 

Do you think having a spiritual side and spiritual life is important? How do you “approach God”? 


Teaser: Easter is coming. Jesus’ death paid for my sins. Does the resurrection still matter?


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